Last Priority - If the hand does not have a 5+card major suit and cannot qualify for a No Trump opening bid, the last option is to open the
Better Minor suit. For more information, go to the
Better Minor web page.
Open 1 ♦
• The hand must have
12-21 HCPs. The only concern is the total HCPs in the hand. The location of the HCPs does not matter - even if there are no HCPs in the diamond suit.
• The hand must have
3 or more cards in
Open 1 ♣
• The hand must have
12-21 HCPs. The only concern is the total HCPs in the hand. The location of the HCPs does not matter - even if there are no HCPs in the club suit.
• The hand must have
3 or more cards in
The opening bid tells the responder the following information:
Opener has 12-21 HCPs and at least a 5-card spade suit, and maybe longer. Opener might have an equal number of hearts.
• Opener wants the responder to rebid spades if the responder has a 3+card spades suit. If true, the partnership will be able to play a spade contract with their combined 8+cards in spades.
Opener has 12-21 HCPs and at least a 5-card heart suit, and maybe longer. Opener has more hearts than spades.
• Opener wants the responder to rebid hearts if the responder has a 3+card heart suit. If true, the partnership will be able to play a heart contract with their combined 8+cards in hearts.
Opener has exactly 15-17 HCPs. Opener does not have a 5+card major suit, but might have a 4-card major suit. The opener also has a balanced hand that contains no voids, no singletons, and no more than 1 doubleton.
• Opener wants the responder to bid a 5+card major suit so that the partnership can play a contract in a major suit.
Opener has 12-21 HCPs but
NO 5+card major suit, and cannot open in No Trump. Diamonds is the better minor, and the opener promises at least a 3+card diamond suit with likely more diamonds than clubs.
• Opener may or may not want to play a diamond contract. Opener wants the responder to ignore the diamonds and propose a 4+card major suit if the responder has one. If the opener and the responder have the same 4-card major suit, the partnership may still be able to play a major suit contract.
Opener has 12-21 HCPs but
NO 5+card major suit, and cannot open in No Trump. Clubs is the better minor, and the opener promises at least a 3+card club suit with likely more clubs than diamonds.
• Opener may or may not want to play a club contract. Opener wants the responder to ignore the clubs and propose a 4+card major suit if the responder has one. If the opener and the responder have the same 4-card major suit, the partnership may still be able to play a major suit contract.