× Introduction:
  1. Introduction
  2. Evaluate an Opening Hand
  3. Bidding Process / Hierarchy Chart
  4. Bidding Strategy

  SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card)
× Opening Bids
       Opening Bid Options
Open 1 Level
   Open  1 ♠ 
   Open  1 ♥ 
       Open  1 NT 
           Open Better Minor
           Open  1 ♦ 
           Open  1 ♣ 
Weak Opening Bids
 •          2 ♦   2 ♥   2 ♠  (6-card suit)
 •  3 ♣   3 ♦   3 ♥   3 ♠  (7-card suit)
 •                  4 ♥   4 ♠  (8-card suit)
Strong Opening Bids
      • Open  2 ♣ 
      • Open  2 NT 
      • Open  3 NT 
Opening vs Table Position
× Bid 2: Respond to Suit Openings
   Guidelines for Responses
         1-over-1 Restriction
         Distribution Points
   Respond to  1 ♠ 
   Respond to  1 ♥ 
         (Jacoby  2 NT )
   Respond to  1 ♦ 
   Respond to  1 ♣ 
Bid 3: Opener's Next Bid
   Responder Supports the Bid Suit
       (Response to Jacoby  2 NT )
   Responder Proposes a New Suit
Respond to Weak Openings
  • Respond to  2 ♠   2 ♥   2 ♦ 
  • Respond to  3 ♠   3 ♥   3 ♦   3 ♣ 
  • Respond to  4 ♠   4 ♥ 
Respond to Strong Openings
  • Respond to  2 ♣  using:
      • 2-Diamond Waiting
      • 3-Point Step
      • 2-Diamond Bust
  • Respond to Strong 2
× Respond to NT Openings
Respond to  1 NT 
    Transfers (1NT)
       Stayman (1NT)
          No 4-card Major (1NT)
Respond to  2 NT 
    Transfers (2NT)
       Stayman (2NT)
          4-card Major (2NT)
Respond to  3 NT 
    Transfers (3NT)
       Stayman (3NT)
          No 4-card Major (3NT)
× Other Bids:
 • Slam (Blackwood & Gerber)
 • Overcalls
 • Doubles
 • Balancing
× Practice Bidding:
   • Open 1 Level
   • Responses to 1 Suit Openings
   • Open 1 NT & 14 Responses
   • Open 1 NT & 16 Responses
   • Responses to 2 Club Opening
   • Overcalls
Practice Websites:
   • SAYC Bidding Practice
   • Trickster
× Taking Tricks:
Leads on Defense
Leads on Offense
    • Finessing a Tenace
× Keeping Score:
1. Contract Points Scoring
2. Match Points Scoring
× Downloads:
SAYC Summary
Open 1-Level
Responses to 1-Suit Opening Bids
1 NT Openings & Responses
Responses to Weak Openings
Responses to 2 Club Openings

Responding to an Opening Bid of  3 NT 

First, determine the suit to play. Then detemine the contract level to play.
The opener has 25-27 HCPs, enough for a game in No Trump without support from the partner.

As soon as the opener bids  3 NT , the partner becomes the "captain" of the partnership. Since the 3 NT opening bid is so specific (25 to 27 HCPs, no 5-card major and balanced), the partner combines the knowledge of its own hand with the opener's hand, and deduces the approximate combined point count range of the partnership. The partner also has a good idea of which suit and contract level the partnership will play. The partner will steer the bidding toward the final contract in one of three paths.

Initial Strategy - The opener's balanced hand will have a 2, 3, and/or a 4-card major suit. The partner will try to determine if there is an 8-card major suit fit with one of those major suits.
   • First, Path 1, if the partner has a 5+card major suit, there will be enough cards for the partnership to play a contract in that major suit.
   • Second, Path 2, if the partner only has a 4-card major suit, it is still possible to play a major suit contract.
   • And last, Path 3, if the partner does not have a 4+card major suit, the partnership will play a No Trump contract or a minor suit contract.

Initial Responses for  3 NT  Opening

Partner's Initial
Response to 3 NT Opening
Partner's Point Count (HCPs only)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Game Major Game Minor Small Slam Grand Slam
Path 1
5+card Major
5+ hearts  4 ♦  Transfer to hearts  4 NT 
Asking for Aces
5+ spades  4 ♥  Transfer to spades
Path 2
4-card Major
 4 hearts 
 4 spades 
 4 ♣  Stayman
Path 3
4+card Major
Balanced PASS
3 NT
PASS  (play 3 NT) 
6+ clubs  5 ♣ 
6+ diamonds  5 ♦ 
2/24/2024 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Minimum PARTNERSHIP Point Count    (assume Opener holds 25 HCPs)

Path 1:    5+card major    If the partner has a 5+card major, the partner will use the TRANSFER Convention to identify the suit with the 8-card fit. For details, visit the TRANSFERS (3NT) web page.

Path 2:    4-card major    If the partner does not have a 5+card major, but does have a 4-card major, the partner will use the STAYMAN Convention to seek an 8-card fit in a major. For details, visit the the STAYMAN (3NT) web page.

Path 3:    NO 4+card major    If the partner does NOT have a 4+card major, the partner will abandon the search for a major suit contract, and will explore a contract in No Trump or in a minor suit. For details, visit the NO 4-card Major (3NT) web page.

If the partner has 8+ HCPs there are enough combined points for a slam. Bid  4 NT  - Blackwood Convention - asking for the number of opener's aces. Visit the web page on Invitation to Slam.

Reed's Bridge Site © 2024         (Updated 11/20/2024)