

  SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card)
  1. Introduction
  2. Bidding
  3. Opening Bid Evaluation
  4. Opening Bid Options
  5. Scoring
  6. Bidding Strategy


Opening Bids

Open 1 Level
   Open  1 ♠ 
   Open  1 ♥ 
       Open  1 NT 
           Open Better Minor
               Open  1 ♦ 
               Open  1 ♣ 
Weak Opening Bids
 •          2 ♦   2 ♥   2 ♠  (6-card suit)
 •  3 ♣   3 ♦   3 ♥   3 ♠  (7-card suit)
 •                  4 ♥   4 ♠  (8-card suit)
Strong Opening Bids
      • Open  2 NT 
      • Open  2 ♣ 
      • Open  3 NT 
Opening vs Table Position
× Respond to Suit Openings
   Guidelines for Responses
         Distribution Points
         Jacoby  2 NT♥ 
         1-over-1 Restriction
   Respond to  1 ♠ 
   Respond to  1 ♥ 
   Respond to  1 ♦ 
   Respond to  1 ♣ 
Bid 3: Opener's Next Bid
   Responder Supports the Bid Suit
         (Respond to Jacoby  2 NT )
   Responder Proposes a New Suit
Respond to Weak Openings
  • Respond to  2 ♠   2 ♥   2 ♦ 
  • Respond to  3 ♠   3 ♥   3 ♦   3 ♣ 
  • Respond to  4 ♠   4 ♥ 
Respond to Strong Openings
  • Respond to  2 ♣  using:
      • 2-Diamond Waiting
      • 3-Point Step
      • 2-Diamond Bust
  • Respond to Strong 2
× Respond to NT Openings
Respond to  1 NT 
    Transfers (1NT)
       Stayman (1NT)
          No 4-card Major (1NT)
Respond to  2 NT 
    Transfers (2NT)
       Stayman (2NT)
          4-card Major (2NT)
Respond to  3 NT 
    Transfers (3NT)
       Stayman (3NT)
          No 4-card Major (3NT)
× Other Bids:
 • Slam (Blackwood & Gerber)
 • Overcalls
 • Doubles
 • Balancing
× Practice Bidding:
   • Open 1 Level
   • Responses to 1 Suit Openings
   • Open 1 NT & 14 Responses
   • Open 1 NT & 16 Responses
   • Responses to 2 Club Opening
   • Overcalls
Practice Websites:
   • SAYC Bidding Practice
   • Trickster
× Taking Tricks:
Leads on Defense
Leads on Offense
    • Finessing a Tenace
× Keeping Score:
1. Contract Points Scoring
2. Match Points Scoring
× Downloads:
SAYC Summary
1-Suit Opening Bids
Responses to 1-Suit Opening Bids
1 NT Openings & Responses
Responses to Weak Openings
Responses to 2 Club Openings

 Jacoby 2 NT  Response

When the opener bids  1 ♥  or  1 ♠ , the responder knows that the opener has a 5+card major suit and at least 12 HCPs.

If the responder has 4+cards in the SAME MAJOR suit and 13 to 16 points, the partnership has at least an 8-card fit in that major trump suit and at least 25 points. This is enough for a game in that major suit, or in No Trump. Instead of the responder bidding a 4-level game bid in the same suit, the responder uses the artificial Jacoby 2NT Convention. The  Jacoby 2 NT  bid asks the opener to show its hand features at a lower level in hopes of exploring a slam bid. It also lets the partnership enter a No Trump contract that scores higher than a major suit contract.

Note: For simplicity, beginners should avoid the use of the Jacoby 2 bid. Instead, use the direct  4 ♥  or  4 ♠  bids to game. This is an easier and quicker way to a game contract in that major suit. Once the beginner has more experience and wants to bid more aggressively, the Jacoby 2 NT Response can be added.

Reed's Bridge Site © 2025         (Updated 1/31/2025)