0 to 2 pts - Bid 2 ♦
This artificial bid indicates the partner has a low point hand, and there are not enough partnership points to make a game. This response keeps the bidding open so the opener can bid a preferred suit.
3 to 10 pts - This bid indicates there are enough points for a game in a major and in no trump, and possibly a game in a minor.
Since the partner is mentioning the suit or no trump first, the stronger hand of the opener will be exposed as the dummy.
• 5+card suit – Bid 2 ♥ , 2 ♠ , 3 ♣ , or 3 ♦ . This bid indicates 5+cards of that suit with game level points in hearts or spades, and at least part-score points in clubs or diamonds.
• No 5+card suit – Bid 2 NT - an artificial bid indicating no 5+card suit.
11+ pts - This bid indicates there are enough points for at least a small slam.
Since the partner is mentioning the suit or no trump first, the stronger hand of the opener will be exposed as the dummy.
• 5+card suit – double raise - Bid 3 ♥ , 3 ♠ , 4 ♣ , or 4 ♦ . This bid indicates 5+cards of that suit with slam level points.
• No 5+card suit – Bid 3 NT - an artificial bid indicating no 5+card suit and at least small slam level points.