Step 4: The partner confirms the presence of a 4-card heart suit, or confirms the presence of a 4-card spade suit.
• If the partner has a 4-card heart suit, the partner bids 4♥ . The partnership has an 8-card fit in hearts and will play game in a heart contract with the opener as the declarer.
• If the partner does not have a 4-card heart suit, the partner will have a 4-card spade suit (otherwise, the partner would not have bid Stayman). The partner bids 3♠ in hopes the opener also holds a 4-card spade suit.
Step 5: If the partner bid 3♠ , the opener will make one of two bids:
• If the opener has NO 4-card spade suit, the opener bids 3NT . With neither hand holding a 4-card spade suit, the partnership will not play a major suit contract, but instead will play a game in No Trump with the opener as the declarer.
• If the opener also has a 4-card spade suit, the opener bids 4♠ . The partnership has an 8-card spade suit and will play the game contract in spades. Unfortunately, the partner will be the declarer and the opener's stronger hand exposed in the dummy.